Individual Picts, Zip Files and Slideshows
(Click F5 to refresh/resume the previews below, if any of them stop playing.)
Old Hickory Lake Trail Snow Pictures
Photography by Doug McMullin
Individual Picts Zip File Slideshow
Jimmy Parrish's Snow Pictures
Photography by Jimmy Parrish
Individual Picts Zip File Slideshow

Click the F5 key if any of the above previews stop playing.

Click on 'Individual Picts' to open a web page displaying all these pictures. You can then right-click on any of them (and then click 'Save Image' or 'Save As') to download the picture to your hard drive.

Click on 'Zip File' to download these pictures in JPG format in full screen resolutions. Once downloaded, extract the pictures to view them. Just right-click on the zip file, and click 'extract all' to extract the pictures to your hard drive.

If you click on 'Slideshow', this downloads an executable (.EXE) slideshow which consists of the same pictures displayed in automatic slideshow format. You'll probably get a standard 'Warning' when you go to run the slideshow or download it. But this is a standard message. (Feel free to scan the slideshow with any virus software.) You can just click 'run' to play the slideshow, or download it to your hard drive (or flash drive) and click on it there to play the slideshow. While the slideshow is playing, hit 'Escape' to exit it."

Doug's Home Page